It all depends on the fineness

Aquatic and Shrimp Feed Production

Tietjen and aquafeed


grinded material for fish food

Tietjen’s grinding and pulverizing solutions stand for highest fineness, efficiency and the tightest grist spectrum for aqua & shrimp feed processing:

Today Tietjen grinding systems offer the highest fineness, of course always depending on the recipe:

  •  Fine grinding hammer mill FD: up to 98% < 500 µm
  • The grinding solution by Tietjen: fineness up to 99% < 400 µm
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In the fish feed sector

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Optimal preparation

Our mills for aquatic feed grind recipes for

  • Early fries
  • Shrimp
  • Extruded and pelleted aquatic feed
  • Floating and sinking aquatic feed
  • Aqua feed for various types of fish such as: Salmon, pollack perch, tilapia, carp, trout and other large and small fish
  • Fine grinded feed for Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
Good grinding – good fish pellet processing

Influencing the quality of aqua and shrimp feed pellets

The quality of aqua or shrimp feed increases with the fineness of the grinding and pulverizing process.

  • Reduced incidence of die plugging in extruder, due to uniformity and cleanness of the ground material
  • Ease of cooking in the extruder and pelletizing efficiencies
  • Better binding properties and reduced waste due to finer structure
  • Improved liquid and steam addition due to small and uniform cell structure
  • Less wear in the extruder barrel
  • Ease of drying process
Save energy cost with the right choice of the grinding and pulverizing system

Energy efficient solutions for the production

Fine grinding plant for fish and shrimp feed production

A large grist spectrum and irregular fineness often result in higher energy consumption and longer retention time in the mill which might cause a suboptimal grist spectrum (increased proportion of fines), heat exposure for sensitive nutritional elements in the recipe and an increased likelihood for blockings and dust explosions. From the economic side, a higher fineness normally goes with lower throughput of the line. Tietjen offers valuable alternatives here, such as pre-shredding and grinding systems.


Read our article about fine grinding of aqua feed and find out Tietjens solutions for aqua feed producers.

Case Studies

Fine grinding in practice

Aquafeed, Vietnam
Sustainable aquafeed production in Vietnam
Aquafeed, Germany
Highest purity of fish meal for fish feed production

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Jorge Guerrero
Sustainable aqua feed production

“Our focus is on the optimal utilization of the raw materials, optimized sinking and floating behaviour of the feed and the environmental compatibility of the residual materials.”

Jorge Guerrero, Sales Engineer

Expertise in grinding for 60 years

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You would like to find out more about our grinding and depackaging solutions. Please contact us.

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