
Seminar about grinding techniques in Elora

Categoría: Acerca de Tietjen

On 30 October 2019, we held our first seminar with our new sales partner, Tim Tripp, in Canada. It revolved entirely around grinding techniques for pet food, and the differences between Europe and North America. The event was rounded off by presentations about alternative grinding concepts by our CEO Thomas Runde and another presentation about explosion protection by Dirk Gering and Tim Tripp.

Grinding techniques for pet food production

On 30 October 2019, we finally made it: our first seminar in Canada was ready to go. It was held in Elora, in collaboration with our sales partner Tim Tripp. Since a new GDL 25 and DA 595 drum feeder had recently been delivered to Ontario, it seemed a good idea to hold a seminar there. The seminar revolved entirely around grinding techniques for pet food production.

Topics explored as part of this included the similarities and differences between Europe and North America. In addition, our CEO Thomas Runde gave a presentation about alternative grinding concepts. Among the topics covered was the bespoke implementation of customers’ wishes. He explained how different grinding concepts work and pointed out similarities and differences.

Energy-efficient planning and operation

In addition to current use cases in Greece and Paraguay, the seminar included a presentation entitled ‘Energy-efficient planning and operation – is it worth it?’ The focus of the presentation was mainly on the industrial processes involved in grinding. The participants were told about the effects of various influencing factors and the level of efficiency, and how to handle these.

Explosion protection and Tietjen’s expertise

In a further seminar presentation, Dirk Gering and Tim Tripp showed participants the options for improving explosion prevention in companies. Tietjen was one of the first to implement safety standards for its mills. These included door locking as standard and shutdown monitors. Today, the available options are considerably more extensive. Since the 1990s, Tietjen has constantly been working on improving its systems. The continuing development of explosion protection plays a central role in this.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all the participants! Many thanks also to Tim Tripp, who organised the event perfectly. If you have any questions about grinding techniques for producing pet food, explosion protection or energy-efficient planning and operation, please feel free to contact Tim by e-mail at

  • Autor:
    Tim Tripp/Tietjen editorial team

  • Imágenes:
    Hermes Rivera (unsplash)

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