Funding program
The state of Schleswig-Holstein has launched its own framework funding programme for both investment and non-investment projects by municipal bodies, non-profit organizations and commercial companies, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the joint federal-state task "Improvement of the regional economic structure" (GRW). The state program Economy in the 2021 - 2027 funding period builds on its successful predecessor program, the state program Economy 2014-2020.
For the practical implementation of Tietjen's patent for improving fine grinding with a hammer mill in combination with a rising classifier and the development of a hammer mill required for this, Tietjen is receiving funding from the State Program for the Economy (LPW) with pro rata co-financing from the European Regional Economic Structure Fund (ERDF).
The aim of the project is to further develop the hammer mill technology and to combine the advantages of individual mill types in a single one, so that downtimes are minimized, hygiene increased, energy consumption reduced and production efficiency optimized. At the same time, the range of applications for the robust and economical hammer mill technology is to be expanded and tested in practice by combining the hammer mill with a rising classifier. In this way, Tietjen aims to create an energy-efficient and economical solution in the future to achieve the required fineness for the production of fish feed and foodstuffs of less than 250 micrometers with at least 95% of the particles.